Traffic cost optimization and service quality improvement
Real-time Analytics and Advanced Security
Real-time analytics and reporting
Real-time search and visualization tools
Reliably and securely extract, process and visualize real-time operational data and media and signaling traffic
Enables better insight into commercial services and technical issues through increased understanding and anticipation of the trends in usage, session performance, and service quality Real-time dashboard and business intelligence reporting
Advanced Security Features
Topology hiding
Built-in firewall
Dynamic access control lists and black lists
Protection against DoS attacks
Real-time message syntax and semantics inspection
Protection against malformed messages
Encryption, including TLS, IPsec, SRTP
Message flood protection
Rogue RTP detection and bandwidth control
Support for bridging among private-public SIP IP interfaces for multitple legs of a call.
Support for bridging among ipv4-ipv6 SIP IP interfaces for multitple legs of a call.
Adaptive overload and traffic prioritization
Dynamically distribute processor loads across all platform vCPUs while simultaneously protecting each vCPU from overload
High performance through pre-allocating vCPUs to handle specific processing loads
Idle and underutilized computing resources minimized